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Personal Fitness Training...just get started now! The Just Get Fit TEAM of Health and Fitness Coaches has the education, certification, and experience to stand out from the rest – making Just Get Fit the best! Through Just Get Fit’s continuing education program, our TEAM of Health and Fitness Coaches learn the latest in health and fitness research and training techniques - to help you reach your goals!


Just Get Fit’s Health and Fitness Coaches will design an exercise training program just for you. We are always available to everyone – those new to exercise, those wanting to re-evaluate or update their current exercise plan or to those seeking a personal fitness coach on a regular, individualized basis.


We pride ourselves in working with a network of professionals such as physicians, chiropractors, nutritionists, physical therapists, mental health practitioners and other fitness leaders to provide you with the optimal service for your needs.

Our ENERGETIC, INNOVATIVE and MOTIVATING personal fitness training programs are available on an individual, partner or group basis.


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Adventure Training

Are you tired of running in a straight a race that moving forward is really your only option  to get to the finish line?  Maybe you're looking for a little TEAM-building along the way, while you train for some crazy "face your fears" type of event. Well for an ADVENTURE Race just might be the next fitness journey for you!


Just Get Fit will help you choose the event you've been dreaming of...a MUD Run, Tough Mudder, Go Ruck Challenge, and many more.  Start training now for these events of a lifetime!  Train Smart - Finish STRONG!

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Corrective Exercise/ Movement Optimization

Get back into the ‘game’ quicker and safer, that game being an athletic event or the game of life!  Whether you have a nagging old injury or have recently been released from physical therapy, our Coaches have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the essential “next step” in your journey to being your best YOU! 


Poor posture, dysfunctional movement(s) or pain can be culprits of daily activity as well.  By analyzing your posture while sitting, standing, and with movement, we can determine the exercises needed to correct any imbalances found and re-teach your body how to hold its best posture.


The optimization of your pattern of movement is essential in overcoming and preventing future injury.   You may be able to perform a ‘squat’, but is the way in which you are executing it optimal for your goals??  Even something  as seemingly straightforward as the squatting movement can vary drastically depending on the outcome you are looking to achieve with the exercise.  Our Coaches will evaluate your movements and your goals to get you moving the best that you possibly can!  


Functional Movement Screening

The idea behind Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is to Move Well. Move Better.  The screening will take you through a series of 7 fundamental movements that you use in day to day life to evaluate your current range of motion, stability, mobility, and flexibility.  You will receive a score for each movement to determine if it is optimal, acceptable or dysfunctional.  The FMS will give you a very objective baseline to work off of, and create an exercise prescription off of.  Individuals of all ages and abilities can benefit from having screening.

Fit Kids

Fit KIDS offers fitness camps, Just Eat Fit for kids, power play, and more, led by "Coaches" dedicated to bringing the fun back to fitness for kids. Introduce your child to the fun and excitement of physical activity in our programs geared just for kids. Fit Kids promotes energetic, non-competitive, team participation with action packed games and educational activities to promote a fit and healthy lifestyle. 

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just eat fit

Empower your nutrition.


Fitness is more than just exercise, it's a lifestyle that is fueled by your mindset, habits, and nutrition. just eat fit was founded as a part of Just Get Fit with the intention of bringing local chefs and grocers together with the community in the pursuit of whole-body health and wellness. just eat fit teaches you how to stay healthy in the kitchen while cooking tasty meals packed full of natural ingredients and nutrition that will energize and empower your body.


just eat fit ONE

ONE stands for Only Natural Energy: it's all about fueling your body with whole, unprocessesd foods. This means that any meal classified as a "ONE" is made using only real food -- no additives.

A few tips for eating "ONE":

  • Go back to nature. As much as possible, choose foods with only ONE ingredient (excluding spices and extracts).

  • Eat seasonally and purchase FRESH - this is when the food is ripened and is the most nutritious and tasty.

  • Watch your portions!

just live fit

This workout is all about embracing your age. Be as healthy as you can be as you move through life! Gain the strength, balance, and mental fitness you need to make day to day activities easier, and continue to do all the things that you love! Let your life control your age!

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sports performance training

Just Get Fit’s health and fitness coaches work with all ages and levels of athletes from the beginner to the elite, to get you playing at your absolute BEST!  Gain muscle mass to increase your strength and power both on and off your playing field.  Improve your linear speed, agility, and ability to change direction.  Work on both your muscular and cardiovascular endurance.  Increase your stability, balance and flexibility… WIN your game!


When moving as an athlete, you travel in all three planes of motion, those being: Sagittal (front to back), Frontal (side to side), and Transverse (rotational), with most of your “in game” movements occurring in the transverse plane.  Our coaches utilize functional equipment including TRX suspension trainers, TRX rip trainers, medicine balls, BOSU elites, stability balls, and more, in combination with more traditional weight room exercises to ensure you get the results that you expect, and then some!

virtual training

Join us virtually via ZOOM! (For help with other virtual methods, please email us:

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This workout will start with a short breathing practice to help focus attention, then a warm-up with plenty of stretching. A flow of yoga postures (asanas) will focus on mindful movements to improve strength and balance. The postures will be led at a moderate level, with variations offered to make them accessible to all. The workout will close with a brief period of guided relaxation to help the athlete leave with a sense of calm, focused energy.

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90 Day Challenge

Who is this program for?


• This program is for any and everyone who wants to look and feel their best!

• Anyone who is looking to increase energy, lose weight, improve attitude.

• Executives/work force that are looking to create strategies on how to implement healthier lifestyles as part of a busy schedule.

• Stay at home parents who need to create a strategy to improve their time and fitness management – and maximize their energy and nutrition for themselves and their kids.

• Athletes who are looking to maximize performance! Who this program will not help?

• Those interested in a quick fix.

•Those who know everything there is to know about health and fitness.

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